Flexibility for Climbers @ The Climbing Hangar, Liverpool

Flexibility for Climbers
Weekly sessions @ The Climbing HangarClimbing outdoors
November 2014 – Every Tuesday 20:00 to 21:00 drop in sessions for £1

‘When you undertake strong […] physical actions, you must retain a core of tranquillity’
Yoshi Oida ‘The Invisible Actor’

Are you strong enough to be relaxed?

Flexibility training for climbers is a point of debate. While strength training is more clearly and definitely identified, there are various opinions about the flexibility training for climbers.
These sessions will aim to make stretching a habit for climbers with a view to maintain and/or improve their flexibility and, of course, their climbing. Taking into account the nature of the sport, over 4 weeks, the sessions start on the floor/static and they gradually move to being upright/dynamic.

The session also aims to improve core strength and the relation of the limbs to the core allowing a greater range of motion without sacrificing strength or power.

Sessions are rather informal and are suitable for all levels of flexibility/climbing and are limited to 14 places. Just drop in within the hour and say hello.
You are encouraged to attend with a partner and to bring a yoga strap (or a substitute).

Click here for what the guys at the Climbing Hangar have to say about flexibility . . .

Onur is a personal trainer registered with the National Register of Personal Trainers.

Visits: 108