Summer Shakespeare Workshop in Turkey 1 – 8 August 2015

This summer Onur will be teaching in Turkey a workshop at The Madrasa based on Shakespeare translations into Turkish and how the originals could inform the acting in Turkish.

The workshop is detailed here

Tiyatro Medresesi (Madrasa) is The First Performance Research Center in Turkey

There are many research centres in the world that work on performing arts and inspire Theatre Madrasa. However, theatre in Turkey, which is mostly imbued with productions, does not have such institutions that have dedicated themselves to the research activity. With a few exceptions, neither the publicly-funded theatres that need to keep constant play-producing, nor the private theatres that are preoccupied with earning money, nor the amateur and alternative theatres that are supposed to be dissimilar to the first two places particular importance to the research activity. For that very reason, Theatre Madrasa and the Research Group it will host claim to fill this gap and to be a centre for both amateur and professional artists to realise, push and go beyond their limits through the workshops, theatre camps, panels and conferences that will be organised in the Madrasa.

Theatre Madrasa consists of a big performance hall (about 200 m2), several rehearsal halls in varying size, rooms for accommodation, a cafeteria, a library, an amphitheatre with a capacity of 200 people and a huge courtyard surrounded by olive trees, which has a beautiful landscape.

Visits: 6